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Higher and Further Education Green Travel Event Toolkit

Green Travel ProgrammeBackground

Between secondary school and employment, there is a lack of guidance in promoting sustainable modes of travel to those enrolled in higher and further education institutions.  However, it is at this time that individuals start to form travel habits and behaviours that they will adopt when starting full-time employment.


WestTrans recognises this gap and proposes a Green Travel Programme of educational events and engagement which is outlined herein.  The programme includes a range of complementary activities and events that promote Green Travel.   Building on the Travel Plan and Delivery Strategy, the programme targets higher and further education students and staff and can potentially include a Green Travel Exhibition Day, Social Engagement events, charity Events and/or led cycle/walks.


Purpose of Toolkit

The purpose of this toolkit is to:  

  • Provide sufficient information to enable institutions to deliver a programme of promoting Green Travel
  • Encourage staff and students to take responsibility for travel issues
  • Provide attractive, user friendly downloadable materials to assist institutions
  • Build upon the institution's travel plan to actively encourage a shift from car to more sustainable, healthy modes of travel (e.g. walking, cycling and public transport)
  • Highlight examples of WestTrans pilot studies of good practice locally
  • Clearly reference other appropriate sources of travel plan guidance and assistance

Click through the links on the left hand side for a step by step guide to running your own event

©2024, WestTrans
Perceval House
4th Floor NE
Ealing Council
14-16 Uxbridge Road
W5 2HL