Celebrating the success of Social Work

Helping Families Programme

National Social Work Day Event in Harrow

On Tuesday 18th March, Harrow Social Workers were invited to celebrate National Social Work Day, an event sponsored by The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) which is a global organisation striving for social justice, human rights and social development through the promotion of social work, best practice models and the facilitation of international cooperation.

IFSW invited social workers all over the world to celebrate World Social Work Day this year on the 18th of March 2013 under the banner of the Global Agenda's theme "Promoting Social and Economic Equalities". Social work has a critical role in the promotion of social and economic equalities and in striving for a people-focused and regulated economy. World Social Work Day is the annual opportunity to advocate a social work perspective in political systems that affect the wellbeing of peoples and to celebrate the social work contribution to societies.

The event in Harrow saw approximately Social Workers and Professionals including Service Managers and Divisional Director for Targeted Services Melissa Caslake attend. Social Workers and professionals took advantage of the event to socialise and network with fellow colleagues. The atmosphere of the event was relaxed and fun which was further boosted by the cakes and hot drinks.

Social Workers views from the National Social Work Day Event

What is one of your biggest achievements as a Social Worker?

  • "Good outcomes for children"
  • "Participation and getting children involved"
  • "Positive attitudes and ability to reach their (child's) potential"
  • "My Social Work qualification which enabled me to start my journey to reach my goal to achieve my aim and ambition at making positive outcomes for other young people"
  • "Closing cases and knowing that a family is able to continue independently and manage their own issues without intervention"

Please give me an example of how you have involved the Child's Voice within your practice?

  • "As a Team Manager I visit young people and I've spoken to them about their placement, gaining their views and wishes. I ask the young person to give me feedback about their Social Worker and I ask them whether they are happy with the service we are providing. I ensure they have a clear communication route to speak with me or their Social Worker"
  • "The Child's Voice is embedded within my practice. I ensure my young people have advocates if needed"
  • "I ask the children their feelings and what they would like to happen in the future. I ask them what would be their ideal world and dreams. By using tools at your disposal, I use drawing, playing, breaking the ice games etc. I do an activity called House of Dreams, each door represents an emotion e.g. dreams, worries, fears. The crucial part is building a relationship. Making the experience for that young person fun and not talking down to them. I help them to make sense about what is going on and to talk through the difficult experience through pictures"

Why did you become a Social Worker?

  • "I was a child in care and I experienced negative suffering and attitude with very little support, I did not want this to happen to other children and so I worked to make a difference in the lives of children looked after to give them a good experience. I want to help ensure every child reaches their potential"
  • "I've been a Social Worker for 17 years; my aim was to help children. My mum was a nurse and in a caring profession, I too wanted to help others and found Social Work to be interesting. I was an electrician before I became a Social Worker"
  • "I wanted to empower people and support them with their independence and dealing with their issues better"
  • "To make changes and enable people"
  • "To help others
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