The silencing of children in safeguarding children processes and investigations: live streamed event, 5th October 2017, 1500-1700 UK time

Open invitation to seminar and presentation from Prof Chris Goddard, Visiting Professor at the School of Health and Social Work, University of Hertfordshire,UK. 
Professor  Goddard is a world renowned authority in his field. Prof. Goddard has produced many publications and carried out many projects in the area of safeguarding children, and has also been a long-standing and effective campaigner in the areas of children's rights and child abuse. He is frequently in demand to deliver conference papers, and to provide expert opinion on current issues to the media and Australian governments departments and police forces from within in his areas of expertise. Up until March 2016, Professor Goddard was Professor and then Adjunct Professor at Monash University in Australia, as Director of its Child Abuse Prevention Research Australia, Monash Injury Research Institute. Professor Goddard was nominated for the UN Human Rights Award (Journalism) in 2005. 

Live streaming

You are welcome to join the conference online by accessing our live stream link-  The supported web browsers are: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera and Apple Safari. While you should be able to hear the lecture through your computer speakers or headphones, you may need to turn up your volume.If you have a Google account, you will have the opportunity to type questions during the live session. The moderator, Professor Brian Littlechild, will receive these questions directly and read them to the presenter during the Q&A.We look forward to welcoming you to the seminar for debate and discussion about the issues of rights of children in relation to abuse and neglect. 


University of Hertfordshire, College Lane Campus, Hatfield, AL10 9AB 

Recent Publications/Projects by Professor Goddard

2016 - ongoing: Study of child abuse deaths using the completed case files held by the Homicide Squad in Victoria, Australia, covering an analysis of  processes and outcomes in terms of the effective protection of children from data on charges, exhibits list, witness list, witness statements, information about and from professionals and agencies involved, postu2010mortem and toxicology reports, coroner's findings, prior charges and convictions of perpetrators, and advice from the Office the Public Prosecutor. This research will provide a unique insight into child abuse deaths and the events leading up to them. 

YearRecent publications/Projects
2012-2013Member, Advisory Group, Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry.
2011-2012Member, Advisory Group, Protecting Victoria's Vulnerable Children Inquiry.
2005-2007Member, Victorian Community Council on Crime and Violence (appointed by the Police Minister).
2005-2008Member, Research Advisory Group to the Ministry of Child Safety, Queensland (appointed by the Minister).

Hunt, S., Goddard, C., Cooper, J., Littlechild, B., & Wild, J. (2015) 'If I feel like this, how does the child feel?' Child protection workers, supervision, management and organisational responses to parental violence, Journal of Social Work Practice: Psychotherapeutic Approaches in Health, Welfare and the Community, Published online: 14 Sep 2015:
DOI:10.1080/02650533.2015.107314Littlechild, B., Hunt, S., Goddard, C., Cooper, J.,  Raynes, B. & Wild, J. (2016)The effects of violence and aggression from parents on child protection workers' personal, family and professional lives, Sage Open, DOI: 10.1177/2158244015624951,  31 January 2016Goddard, C. (2016, 12 February) [Keynote speaker] The silencing of children in the West. International Convention on Wisdom - Wisdom Unifying the World. Universiti Islam Malaysia

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