WestTrans - Planning Transport Together
West London Partnership


Once the survey response rate has been met, the analysis of the results can begin. The key component of the analysis process is the coding of the survey responses into electronic format for upload into iTRACE.


Household surveys may be entered into iTRACE by the site coordinator one by one through the 'Add new HIF' and 'Add new PTD' buttons or by using the Residential Survey Bulk Loader.


Adding survey results individually is a simpler process, but may be more time consuming than using the Bulk Loader, particularly when entering a large number of responses. Both approaches are equally valid, and the method used is at the discretion of the individual.


In both approaches, it is important that the PTD forms be linked back to the HIF for that household. To do so, each HIF and each PTD is given a unique number to serve as an identifier. When entering each PTD, the number of the associated HIF must also be entered. This information helps iTRACE keep track of the survey response rate.


Instructions on dealing with specific questions, along with blanks and inconsistent answers are provided on the coding help page.


Instructions for using the Bulk Loader can be found on the Bulk Loader page.


When the Actual Response Rate is equal to or greater than the Required Response Rate you can close the Residential Audit by submitting the survey 'For Review'. Once again the borough officer will review and either accepts it (in which case the audit & survey is complete) or set it back to 'In Progress'. In either case the borough officer will be in contact to discuss the reason for their decision.

©2024, WestTrans
Perceval House
4th Floor NE
Ealing Council
14-16 Uxbridge Road
W5 2HL